[已截止] COSCUP 2015 開放原始碼貢獻者 VIP 方案 - 申請 / COSCUP 2015 Open Source Contributor VIP - Apply

  • 2015/08/15(周六) 09:00(+0800) ~ 2015/08/16(周日) 18:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 中研院學術活動中心以及人文社會科學館/ Activity Center and Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan / 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號/ No.128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan
  • COSCUP 2015 聯絡主辦單位

(English below)


COSCUP 2015 開放原始碼貢獻者專屬方案申請

Coders、 users 和 promoters 是讓 open source 軟體發光發熱的三大支柱,這個研討會就是專為這三種人舉辦的:你可以是 A 軟體的 coder、B 軟體的 promoter、C 軟體的 user,不論你是已經踏入 open source 領域,還是一直站在門口不知如何入門,歡迎你來參加 COSCUP — Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters!

COSCUP 研討會已堂堂邁入第十年,十年來不但由各地社群共同舉辦,在眾多同好的參與之下,逐漸成長茁壯。無論你是寫 open source 軟體的開發者、熱衷 open source 軟體的推廣者、熟悉 open source 軟體的使用者或是想了解 open source 軟體的新手,都歡迎你來參加一年一度全台最大的開源人年會。


  • 開源貢獻者:於過去一年實際針對開源專案提供開發、推廣、或其他有助專案進展之貢獻者,提出貢獻相關證明即可報名。
    • 開源專案意指專案成果以 FSFOSI  認同之公眾授權條款釋出者
    • 所提出之貢獻,必須可以經由公開途徑查證(例如提供 GitHubGoogle CodeSourceForge 等公開專案平台上的討論紀錄、網址、commit log、信件文本、公開釋出之演講投影片紀錄等。)
  • 海外參與者:符合上述條件之海外人士,只要承諾與會、並願意於 SNS 或個人 blog 公佈自己即將與會之訊息,將優先獲得邀請。請註明您的出發地,我們將再與您聯絡。


  1. COSCUP 將會確認申請者提交的資料是否符合上述條件,條件相符者將依申請序提供大會邀請碼,額滿為止。請儘早申請並備妥資訊。
  2. 條件不相符者,在名額仍有餘裕之情況下,COSCUP 將於報名截止後發送補件通知。期限內補件並通過審核者,仍有機會獲得大會邀請碼。
  3. 開放報名時間為即日起至 5 月 26 日,邀請碼將於 6 月 6 日發送至通過者的信箱內,並請於大會指定之報名期限內使用。
  4. 本方案之邀請碼嚴禁轉讓,如發現轉讓行為,查證屬實後將取消該票券,並取消轉讓者日後的申請資格。

若有任何問題,歡迎寄信至 attendee@coscup.org 討論


COSCUP 2015 Open Source Contributor VIP Application


COSCUP is the largest conference in Asia for the open source community. We expect 2000 participants this year. This conference is organized for coders, promoters, and users of open source software, which are the three roles that makes FLOSS sparkle.

This year, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of COSCUP. Over the last decade, the event has been co-operated with communities all over the world. Whether you are an experienced coder, a devoted promoter, a regular user, or even a newbie, we sincerely welcome you to be part of the largest annual open source event in Asia.

With everyone's involvement, our community grows steadily. The tickets for COSCUP usually runs out within 1 minute after registration opens. Want to join us at COSCUP 2015, but worry that you can't get a ticket?

We announce the Open Source Contributor Registration Program for COSCUP 2015. If you are one of the many contributors to the open source society, apply for this program! Qualified applicants will receive a Registration Code in the order of application. Activate the Registration Code before the deadline will grant you an invitation to this year's COSCUP.

Application deadline: 26 May, 2015 (admitted applicants will be announced on June 6)


Your participation in an open source project since August 2014 makes you eligible for applying for a Registration Code. The open source project and your participation must meet the following conditions:

  • The project source code must be released with a license approved by FreeSoftware Foundation or Open Source Initiative
  • The project must be hosted on a public repository such as GitHub, Google Code, SourceForge, or others. You must provide proofs of your contributions along with your application in the form of web pages, commit logs, mail contents or others that are publicly accessible.
  • Your contributions can be coding, documentation, promotion campaign, or any other activities that help the project in a positive way.

Qualified applicants will be granted a Registration Code on a first come first serve basis until Registration Codes run out. We will release 500 VIP codes for Open Source Contributor Registration Program.


For oversea attendee: Please tell us your location and we will contact you later. Once you are qualified, promise to attend COSCUP 2015, and post a message about attend to COSCUP on SNS (Twetter, Facebook... etc.,) you might have a better chance to get the invitation code. :)

Let’s celebrate open source in COSCUP 2015!


If you feel that we have missed something or if you have any ideas and/or suggestions to Open Source Contributor Registration Program in COSCUP, please send a message to


中研院學術活動中心以及人文社會科學館/ Activity Center and Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan / 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號/ No.128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan


票種 販售時間 售價
開源貢獻者 / Open Source Contributors

~ 2015/05/26 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

~ 2015/05/31 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費